Welcome to My Blog!

It seems fitting that my first blog post is being written on Halloween – a day designed for transformation.  And isn’t that what makeup ultimately does?  For me, makeup transforms my attitude as much as it changes my face.  As a teenager, I was plagued with acne – I’m sure a lot of you can relate – and it greatly impacted my self-image and my confidence.  Makeup was essential because it gave me the confidence to face the day.  I learned early on how to blend and layer products to hide my facial shortcomings.

In college, I realized that makeup could be fun as well as functional.  I started playing with lip glosses and eye shadows.  Before long, I was hooked; makeup (and shopping for makeup : P ) quickly became a hobby of mine.  Whenever I had a bad day, I’d find myself roaming around the cosmetic counters in my favorite department store.  And then my local mall opened a Sephora… and my life would never been the same.

Now, I make regular trips to my local Sephora or Ulta so I can play with the testers and dream of all the things I would buy if money were no object.  The salespeople and I are well acquainted!  I’m also that freaky person that will strike up a conversation with random shoppers about whatever product they’re looking at.  If I start talking to you while you’re looking at lipsticks, don’t be afraid – I’m just REALLY excited about makeup.  That may seem silly to some of you, but makeup allows me to express my creative side.

When I was little, I loved to draw, color, etc., and I would tell everyone that I wanted to be an artist.  Unfortunately, I didn’t have a lot of opportunities to foster my creativity and grow my artistic skills.  By the time I got to college, practicality was the name of the game and I, like a lot of us do, pursued an education in a field that would pay my bills, but wouldn’t necessarily become my passion.  I’m currently the senior accountant at a growing company.  I like accounting and find it challenging, but it’s not my passion.  And let’s face it:  if you’re a creative accountant, you’re probably going to end up in jail.  Creativity is NOT encouraged in accounting!!!  Now, at the ripe old age of thirty, I’m tired of being a “company man” (woman, actually, but it’s an expression); don’t get me wrong, I ALWAYS give 110% at my job – that’s just who I am – but I don’t want my whole life to revolve around work.  I’ve got to find some balance.

So, I say all of that to let you know that I am reclaiming my creativity and artistic sensibilities and I think that makeup – and this blog – might be the perfect outlet.  If you’ve made it through this rambling entry, thanks for reading the whole thing; I’ll be more concise in the future.  I’m looking to provide product reviews, tips and tricks, tutorials, and the like to the masses – hopefully, you’ll find them a wee bit interesting.

Last thing before I go:  the name of my blog.  Smoke and Makeup Mirrors.  Why did I choose this, you might ask?  Well, my face looks pretty gnarly in the mornings when I roll out of bed.  As I’ve aged, acne is less of an issue, but as anyone with acne will tell you, the trademarks of acne last a lot longer than the blemishes do.  I’m blessed that I don’t have a ton of scaring, but there is enough to make me feel self-conscious.  Thank the Good Lord for makeup!  Strangely enough, I get compliments on my skin all the time.  I try to be gracious in those circumstances, but I always feel like I’m fooling people in some small way.  It’s probably silly, but I always feel the need to smile and tell them it’s all smoke and mirrors!