The Last Lip Crusade

I. am. exhausted.  I know I sound like a broken record, but work is totally cray-cray.  It seems like any time not spent at work is spent in the bed!  I’ve been dying to get back to my blog though; I’ve missed the mental diversion.  Whenever I need a break from crunching numbers, I mentally draft blog posts.  I think of titles and witty remarks to pepper my posts with; I plan out my photos and make mental wish lists of products I want to try and review.  I wish I’d written some of that stuff down, because now my head is completely empty of all of the brilliant ideas I had!  That always happens to me – I’m always thinking of things that need to be done or solutions to problems that I promptly forget five seconds later.  I sound like an old lady, but I really have got to start writing things down!  Anywho, I’m rambling.  Believe it or not, this post has purpose!

Confession time:  I have the driest lizard lips in the entire world.  They’re always chapped and sore, and they peel regularly.  GROSS.  I spend way too much time obsessing over them, and I’m constantly on the search for THE lip balm that will turn my shriveled little lips into a Victoria Secret model’s pretty pout.

Needless to say, I’ve tried a lot of lip balms, glosses, treatments, and scrubs.  I’d about given up hope until I picked up AmorePacific’s  Moisture Bound Lip Treatment.  Now, this lip treatment (.34 oz)  retails for THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS!  I was completely skeptical of this product – how could a lip balm cost THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS?!?  I’d picked it up and put it back dozens of times before I finally bit the bullet.  It was a particularly bad lip day, and I was feeling desperate.  I asked the lady at Sephora if she had tried it, and she told me that she too had lips that peeled and that this product made a huge difference.  I was still skeptical – after all, she could have just wanted to sell me a THIRTY-FIVE DOLLAR lip balm.  However, I figured it was worth a shot, and into the bag the balm went.

I’ve been using Moisture Bound for a while now, and I must say that I’ve seen a huge improvement in the condition of my lips.  My kisser has never been as supple or un-lizard-like as it has been these last few weeks.  The balm has a gel-like texture that’s more akin to a thin, non-sticky lip gloss than your standard issue lip balm in a twist-up tube.  It’s thinner in consistency than Aquaphor or the Vaseline lip products that come in squeeze tubes, and has a lot of slip.  It’s colorless, fragrance-free, and taste-free.  This balm claims to provide moisture over an eight hour period; I haven’t really timed it, but eight hours might be stretching things.  I do have to apply it less often than other lip balms though, which saves product.  I’m hoping to get some mileage out of that tube!amorelip2amorelip3

Supposedly, this product has amino acids and antioxidants that guard against free-radical damage and aging.  In all honesty, I’m not even sure what a free-radical is, so I can’t say for sure whether or not this product really lives up to those claims.  What I can attest to is it’s ability to moisturize exceptionally dry lips – for me, it’s the holy grail of lip balms.    I would recommend this product to anyone with severely chapped lips.  However, given the price point, I really would consider this product a last resort – most people will be able to find a lip product that’s both inexpensive and effective.

My kisser with AmorePacific Moisture Bound Lip Treatment

My kisser with AmorePacific Moisture Bound Lip Treatment

If you also belong to the Godzilla lip club, you can purchase AmorePacific Moisture Bound Lip Treatment at Sephora or via the AmorePacific website.  Nordstrom, Bergdorf Goodman, and Neiman Marcus also carry this product.  For me, this product was well worth the money, and I will definitely repurchase.

If you have any questions or comments about this product, I’d love to hear from ya.  More good stuff to come!  Happy shopping!