Keeping it Real… And Some Beauty Chit Chat

Hi Pretties!  Well, I’m just going to say it.  I’m the WORST blogger known to man!  Seriously!  I was on a pretty good roll around Christmas, and then I just fizzled out…complete and total radio silence.  *facepalm*  Without going into everything, life once again took a turn, and I had to make some changes.  Fortunately, they were all good changes!  Oh how I’ve missed my little blog!  I’ve been dreaming up blog posts in my head for months now, so its time I actually put pen to paper (figuratively) and get back in the swing of things.

I’ll be honest, I’m a bit unprepared for this post; I have not planned out my subject matter or taken any photos.  I just wanted to post – to put some thoughts out into the void if you will.  There are some exciting things on the makeup horizon!  Let’s discuss.  Firstly, if you have even a vague interest in makeup (which I’m assuming you do if you’ve stumbled upon my wee blog), you’ve probably gotten wind of the Jaclyn Hill (YouTube Beauty Guru Extraordinaire) collaboration with Becca Cosmetics.  She has cultivated a new Shimmering Skin Perfector in Champagne Pop, and it is gorg!  I actually got to see it in person – Baby Sephora (i.e. Sephora in JC Penny) has already gotten in a shipment, and one of the employees pulled one out of the back to show me.  I was really hoping I could talk them into selling me one early, but alas, I was denied.  To my dismay, there were no rule breakers in that bunch.  They did take my name and number and told me they would call me when they put them out on the floor; somehow I don’t hold out much hope that they will actually call me.  I signed up for an email notification on Sephora’s website, and there was a DISCLAIMER:  “Product will be available for sale on July 2, 2015.  Due to the special nature of this collaboration, quantities are very limited.”  What. The. Heck.  Why do they do this to us?  They know this is gonna be a highly sought after item – why not stock enough to meet the demand????  MAC does this too and it’s supremely frustrating.  So if I happen to miss the email notification and Baby Sephora doesn’t call me, my only option will be to check ebay where people are hocking these things for three times the retail price??? So not cool.  This brings me to another point – you know those vultures that stalk the internet and buy up all the available stock so they can make a buck on ebay?  Yeah, they suck.  A lot.  But I digress.  Suffice to say that I really hope I can snag one!  In other pretty news, MAC’s Giambattista Valli collection is suppose to hit online on July 2nd (sidenote: why is that such a big release day???) and counters on July 9th.  I believe Nordstrom will also have this collection for sale online on the 6th.  The only images I’ve seen are of the five lipsticks in the collection (maybe it’s all lip products?).  The packaging is SO pretty!  I’m such a sucker for limited edition packaging!  Lastly, Beauty Blender has a new product fresh on the market – it’s called Blotterazzi, and it’s a reusable alternative to blotting papers.  As an oily skinned gal, I am all about that blotting life.  You get two blotting sponges in a cute little mirrored compact.  The sponge sucks up the oil and smooths out any funky spots!  AND it’s washable!  So much better than having used blotting papers all stuck in the bottom of my purse!

That’s all I’ve got right now!  Hope all my Pretties had a happy Monday!
